Bingus club

The Burger Directives

Firstly, a Yankee ought to recognize themselves as such and not foresake their Americanism. To live all one's life on the riches stolen from forced laborers and subjugated states and then dismiss any affiliation with said riches is a great perversion, and futile besides.

A Yankee ought to attend to the present moment whenever possible

A Yankee ought to consider the needs of their local community, and ask "where can I offer my help?"

A Yankee ought to practice music and art, both in pursuit of self-expression and ultimate camaraderie

A Yankee ought to maintain physical fitness and good health through diet and exercise

A Yankee ought to be deliberate in all things; even losing oneself and releasing control should be done deliberately

A Yankee ought to consider questions of their spirituality and soul frequently. It is acceptable to come to a conclusion as long as one does not hold that conclusion so tightly that it becomes difficult to shift one's perspective

A Yankee ought to have a good sense of direction, and be able to move throughout the world confidently and independently

A Yankee ought to practice meditation at times, in pursuit of both a deliberate nature and an attention to the present

A Yankee ought to read widely and often, both fiction and nonfiction

A Yankee ought to write with enough frequency to gain a sense of one's own voice

A Yankee ought to speak clearly and coherently

A Yankee ought to pursue their goals and aims without fear, or at least with the pretension of fearlessness

A Yankee ought to stay informed regarding current events and politics

A Yankee ought to form strong opinions, but not hold them too tightly

A Yankee ought to consider their morality often and take great pains to distinguish right from wrong

A Yankee ought to pay attention to the needs and wants of their friends and community

A Yankee ought to consider the impact of their actions, and of their consumption

A Yankee ought to spend most of their time out of doors, or at least in view of good natural lighting

A Yankee ought to use computers intentionally, and take responsibility for one's own computing and data security

A Yankee ought to have a wide variety of interests and hobbies

A Yankee ought to expose themselves to foreign cultures and unfamiliar lands 

A Yankee ought to have a solid understanding of history, particularly colonial and post-colonial history

A Yankee ought to reject bigotry wherever it may appear. A strong understanding of intersectionality is essential

Posted 9/13/2024